Tuesday, June 1, 2010

WARNING - Earworm Alert!

According to those who spend their time studying such things, some 98 to 99 percent of the population has, at some point, been 'infected' with a song they just can't seem to shake off. In most cases, earworms will disappear after a few minutes. But in some cases, earworms can last hours or even days.

French-speaking Internet users were asked to rank 100 pop songs according to their ability to be compulsively repeated within one's mind. The songs voted top five were: 'Singin' in the Rain' (Gene Kelly), 'Life Is Live' (Opus), 'Don't Worry, Be Happy' (Bobby McFerrin), 'I Will Survive' (Gloria Gaynor).

And, IN FIRST PLACE, the number one earworm for those who speak French is: 'Ça fait rire les oiseaux.'

(Ok, so you probably weren't thinking of that one, were you.)

But with that introduction, if you still DARE to listen to it, here it is -- the number one earworm!


Maybe French-speaking people are just... different.

Over the weekend I posed this question to my immediate family, with striking results. Potential earworms we agreed upon:

o It's a Small World After All
o Frosty The Snowman
o any song from Mary Poppins

Reactions to these were like, "Yeah, I guess so, sometimes, sure."
(Due to generational differences, I thought of some songs they had never heard of, and vice versa.)

But then I suggested THIS one, and the reactions were, "Aggghh, no!! Not that one! Stop playing with my mind!!"


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